DNV GL Digital Solutions offers a range of powerful software solutions, Safeti Offshore and Safeti Onshore, which have been specifically designed to provide vital assistance during industrial quantitative risk analysis (QRA) operations.
Safeti Offshore
Safeti Offshore offers a formal, systematic and structured concept for performing QRA of diverse offshore facilities.
What you get:
- A flexible platform to conduct QRA of offshore facilities (e.g., fixed, floating, ship shaped)
- Detailed modelling of all possible impacts (fire, toxic, explosion, smoke etc.)
- Ability to account for the influence of an array of safety systems and barriers (e.g., isolation, blowdown, blast / fire walls)
- Detailed escalation analysis
Many offshore QRA studies use spreadsheet-based tools, which often suffer from poor quality, traceability and lack of standardisation. They also fail to appreciate the specifics that apply offshore and have limited visualisation capabilities. Safeti Offshore overcomes these issues to provide a standardised, intuitive and extensive next-generation QRA solution.
It incorporates state-of-the-art dispersion, fire and explosion models, offering a direct, cost-efficient way to assess risks associated with offshore installations without requiring expensive, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) based analysis. Additionally, users can incorporate CFD results if required.
Safeti Offshore can:
- Determine design accident loads
- Understand escalation predictions and impairment frequencies
- Optimise escape and evacuation means
- Visualise hazard event size
- Clearly view sources and receptors of risk
- Understand contribution to risk from flammable, explosion, toxic, smoke and evacuation hazards
- Model subsea releases
- Increase the efficiency of workflow with automatic rule-based release case generation
- Include CFD results via conversion to a continuous response surface
- Model time-varying releases due to ESD actuation and blowdown / depressurisation
Safeti Onshore
Safeti Onshore analyses complex consequences from accident scenarios, taking account of local population and weather conditions, to quantify risks associated with the release of hazardous chemicals. Safeti allows you to quickly identify major risk contributors, allowing you to take action to mitigate those risks.
What you get:
- The most comprehensive quantitative risk-analysis tool available for assessing process plant risks
- Capability to quantify risks associated with your installation, including risk contours, FN curves and ranking risk contributors
- A major decision-support tool for strategic planning, facility siting and layout, and detailed risk / safety assessments
Assessing process plant risks
Onshore risk assessments need to be done comprehensively, within a structured framework. Safeti (Software for the Assessment of Flammable, Explosive and Toxic Impact) is designed to perform all the analytical, data processing and results presentation elements of a QRA within a structured framework.
Key benefits:
Incorporates world-leading consequence analysis capability of Phast, including DNV GL’s proprietary Unified Dispersion Model (UDM)
- Generates numerous risk metrics (e.g. FN Curves or Individual Risk) for comparison with legislative or user-defined acceptance criteria
- Facilitates cost reduction in terms of losses and insurance
- Risk ranking and hazard zone identification for guidance concerning possible mitigation measures, including operation, emergency response and land use planning
- Provides traceability and consistency in calculations
- Graph-based risk results, which may be overlaid on digitized maps, satellite photos and plant layouts
- Facilitates compliance with many regulatory requirements, including tailor-made specifications