OSI’s OFS 2000F is an optical flow sensor system that has been designed specifically for flare stack applications, where rapid response times and high velocity are critical.
OFS 2000 is found worldwide in incinerator and boiler stacks, chemical plants, mines, and refineries; everywhere clean air compliance is an issue.
All OFS 2000 flow sensors feature full cross-stack / duct / pipe / line measurement up to 10m.
The measurement is unaffected by path length, media pressure, moisture or opacity, with no flow media high-temperature limits.
OFS measures velocity of 0.1m/s to 40m/s with 2% accuracy and 0.1m/s resolution.
Response time is selectable from three seconds to 600 seconds. The system is equipped with 4-20mA and RS-232 data outputs.
OFS requires no calibration, ever. Observable drift is less than 1% per year.
An automatic calibration check feature is built-in along with continuous self-test diagnostics for user security.
This rugged system is designed for harsh environments, ultra-low maintenance, and easy installation to standard ANSI pattern 4in pipe flange.
OFS also can install in tight spaces with minimum space requirements of two upstream / one downstream diametres.