OSI’s HazMet Automated Weather System (AWS) solution is an advanced, portable weather station that has been specially optimised for rapid response on-the-spot reporting applications.
This portable system has been designed from the ground up for fast setup anywhere. It is especially useful in responding to the need for quick, accurate, atmospheric reporting in responding to environmental emergencies.
HazMet includes built-in GPS and electronics compass. The sensor measures and reports wind speed, wind direction, temperature, relative humidity and barometric pressure. Dew point is also calculated.
Present weather and visibility can be added without affecting setup or portability. The system can be powered with battery or solar panel.
HazMet systems can be operated singly or networked using a built-in 902-928MHz spread-spectrum RF modem.
Aloha® hazard modeling software allows the user to enter details about a real or potential chemical release, and generate threat zone estimates. HazMet is Windows 7 / 8 / Vista / XP compatible.
Tripod, carrying bag, and hard case are included. System set up requires no tools and may be done in less than five minutes.