
One of Inspectio’s most featured usage areas is to serve as a hazardous area equipment database, where asset owners can collect all the data on their ‘ex-equipment’. Easily search and filter down to your selected equipment, view customizable and dynamic equipment data and structure your equipment in our location structure for a full overview. The location structure also features associated area schematics and location markers for your convenience.

With access to already prepared task templates based on the recognized international standard IEC-60079-17 you are ready to set up your inspection scope immediately after importing your equipment register. The task templates ensures compliance by linking your equipment and inspection grade to the relevant questions from the standard.

Don’t you already have a prepared register? – Start collecting data through our mobile app. 

Planning and documenting the inspection projects used to be a time-consuming task, but now you can finish them in a matter of minutes. Our case study shows a time reduction of 86% in the planning time and a whopping 98% reduction in time spent on documentation. With the project configurator, you can choose the scopes that match your different work orders and collect them in a project that distributes tasks to the equipment that matches your criteria.

The tasks are immediately available to the field inspector after synchronizing his mobile device. When the task is performed, an inspection report is automatically created and attached to the relevant equipment.

The time spent on the actual execution of the inspections is also greatly reduced through the easy filtering possibilities in the mobile app, access to location schematics with location markers and the possibility of looking up equipment by simply scanning an identifier like RFID, QR or barcode.

A common concern about using a Cloud-based SaaS solution is the requirement for WiFi coverage. There is no concern about Inspectio’s offline functionality. Synchronize your equipment database, projects and tasks – with full offline access. You can even add new equipment offline, and if they match your project criteria, they are automatically given the correct inspection task – all without internet. Synchronize to the cloud when you are back in internet coverage.

Let us help you get better control of your explosion-proof equipment, ensure excellent documentation of compliance and reduce your time and cost by over 50%.