

Data replication technology

Geo-Replicator® scopes the data to be replicated and the process for delivering updates. Reports can be generated to detail the content replicated or the update status of specific end users. Administrators can set operational rules to apply automatically to manage the effects of replication in terms of managing data conflicts with conflict resolution in Server-to-Server networks.

Template files can also be configured to control the manner in which Geo-Replicator manages the captured content when disconnected from the network for web applications. Once all of the individual pages (and the rules for handling them) have been identified, an exact replica of the information is prepared for delivery to the remote user. There is no need for re-coding or re-development in Geo-Replicator; it is the very same pages that are used offline as online. Once this initial batch of content has been downloaded onto the user’s laptop, the user can then work with the Web pages through a standard browser. All the functionality that the user would expect online (search, for example) is available on the laptop, whether it is connected to a network or not.

Geo-Replicator runs on different environments to suit our customers’ business needs.


For organisations dependent on 24/7 business continuity, iOra provides the perfect solution for ensuring consistent and up-to-date data information is always available. Personnel at distant sites or dependent on remote servers can have comparable access to HQ-standard information; equally HQ personnel can reach-forward to critical, time-sensitive data.


iOra’s software ensures mobile personnel dependent on laptop connectivity have exactly the same information available as HQ staff. Even if they are offline, links in web pages work, documents can be updated and full search and access is available.


This solution is specially designed as an alternative for lightweight read-only portals for remote offices, solving the problem of replicating corporate portal content to remote office environments where the installation and maintenance of a sophisticated server is impractical. As an extension of this virtualisation capability, iOra can be deployed at the server level to deliver Server-to-Virtual-Server operation; effectively the delivery of a web server to a group of users with the requirement for the back-end server installation.