
Traditionally, in the Oil & Gas industry, waste and surplus gas has been disposed of by flaring to atmosphere. Today this process is becoming increasingly unacceptable as the industry progresses towards eliminating the emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, whilst simultaneously conserving energy. Therefore, the demand for equipment that can safely and economically compress waste and surplus gas back into the production process is rapidly increasing.

Ejectors are ideally suited to this application because they employ either the available high-pressure gas or liquid energy to entrain and compress waste and surplus gas to a pressure where the gas can be recovered into production or used as fuel gas.

FlareJet™ – with up to 150:1 compression

Transvac’s FlareJet™ solution is a complete, turnkey zero-flare solution for the oil & gas industry. Providing up to 150:1 compression, FlareJet™ recovers waste gasses with ease and eliminates the need for flaring outside of emergency situations. Waste gasses are compressed and discharged at a specified pressure to suit required the downstream process. In most cases, recovered gas can be returned to production or is used as fuel gas on the facility.

FlareJet™ does not interfere with local ESD procedures and is intended to recover gasses continually sent to flare, such as purge, separator and knock-out drum gasses. Simple control philosophies cater for varying inlet (flare gas) flow rates and ensure upstream process is not affected. With no moving parts, the FlareJet™ Ejector can handle both solids (such as sand) and sour gasses without issue.