
At Global TCC, we design and support competence assurance systems and can provide internal audit services to ensure that your competence assurance system meets applicable external regulatory requirements, such as IADC, OPITO and the HSE requirements for evidence of a competence workforce. We conduct reviews of competence programmes and can advise on improvements needed to accelerate the assessment procedure and make it more efficient.

Competence assessors with offshore experience are in great demand in the North Sea and globally. As an alternative to operational roles, workplace assessment can be a very rewarding occupation and provide many opportunities for travel.

At Global TCC, we also provide a range of training options for new workplace assessors and internal verifiers, or competence administrators and managers who are just starting out in the design process with a new competence assurance system.

We currently provide competence assessor and internal verifier training to support the TAQA Technician Level Competence Assurance System to the SQA L&D9DI/L&D11 (A1/V1) Standards.

OPITO competence assessor course details:

  • Delegates will learn the theory of competence assurance and practice carrying out competence assessments to the OPITO Standard
  • All delegates must complete assessments in the workplace and submit them to their TCC assessor within one year of completing the course
  • Successful candidates will receive an OPITO Certificate that will entitle them to carry out workplace assessments to the OPITO Standard or to in-house competence standards
  • Venue: TCC Skills Centre or at clients premises globally
  • Duration: two full days
  • Cost: on application, depending on numbers in class