Enivibes, a subsidiary of Italian oil and gas company Eni, and oil field services provider SLB have formed a partnership to deploy Enivibes’ pipeline monitoring solution.

Called the Eni Vibroacoustic Pipeline Monitoring System (e-vpms), the offering is a vibroacoustic wave detection system, which is said to be capable of providing real-time analysis, monitoring and leak detection for pipelines across the world.

Enivibes plans to leverage SLB’s operations in more than 100 markets to introduce its new pipeline integrity solution.

Irrespective of the age of the pipeline, the e-vpms technology can be retrofitted to it and provides the integrity data necessary for a network’s continuous reliable operation, the companies noted.

The cooperation includes the use of e-vpms technology for pipelines that transport water and liquid hydrocarbons.

In addition, the technology is said to allow the identification of product losses linked to outside factors such as theft or unintentional impact, corrosion-related leak occurrences and terrain movement brought on by earthquakes or landslides.

SLB business line director, midstream production systems, Ziad Jeha said: “The e-vpms technology will equip operators with the ability to extract real-time data from even their oldest assets. Operators will be able to receive reliable and specific real-time information, allowing for focused and timely responses, especially in instances of an environmental nature.”   

Last month, SLB partnered with Quorum Software to launch a new field development planning solution, while earlier this month SLB said that it is stopping products and technology shipments into Russia due to the sanctions imposed on Moscow.