New Technologies in Seawater Intake for Oil & Gas Floating Production Units
By Trelleborg Oil & Marine HosesThe first floating liquefied natural gas platforms (FLNGs) are set to come on line during 2017, harnessing vast quantities of previously untapped sources of energy. However, the location of many of these fields makes the issue of transportation of the gas highly challenging, with the result that the liquefaction process to reduce the volume of space taken up by the gas on transport vessels, becomes crucial.
This in turn places greater demands on cooling techniques and the equipment which supports this process. At the same time, the need of floating production storage and offloading (FPSO) vessels to access water which is as cold as possible is being highlighted as the availability of colder water is known to significantly improve topside efficiency while reducing operational expenditure across the whole system.
This white paper examines the issues around liquefaction and seawater intake, and the new technologies being developed to meet these unique demands, and how this equipment has been tested to meet the most stringent of international standards.
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