
NAG Marine, Norfolk, Virginia, has partnered with DASPOS International Inc. in its mission to prevent engine room fires before they occur and bring ships and people back to port safely.

NAG Marine will sell and service the DASPOS Fire Prevention System, including the LAS-10 Detector and H-18 Hot Box Detector to the US maritime market with a primary focus on ships of the US NAVY, Military Sealift Command, Maritime Administration, US Coast Guard, and US ARMY afloat. The DASPOS System provides dual measurement detection and alarming of both oil mist/gas spray, as well as hydrocarbon vapours. Any leakage of hydrocarbon will be detected by the system and its high airflow rate ensures far more reliable detection than light-scatter and other comparing technologies.

Proper fire prevention measures save valuable lives, time, and money. The DASPOS Fire Prevention System is the 24/7 watch guard that never sleeps, giving crewmembers more time to react and dramatically reducing the risk of a fire.