
In response to market demand FRIATEC AG has further developed the tried and tested FRIALIT® FZM/K material towards a material with a much improved level of strength. This result was partly achieved by a modified manufacturing technique.

Particular features of this new FRIALIT® FZM/KS are:

  • Average size of imperfectly formed crystal in the structure is 500nm
  • Middle 4-point bending strength according to DIN EN 8430-1 reaches
  • 1,700MPa

The material reaches an extraordinarily high level (for this range of materials) of resistance under standard sterilising conditions. In several autoclave tests (230°C / 28 bar / de-ionised water), under tighter conditions, operating times of well over 100 hours were achieved without any problems.

The other mechanical, thermic and electric features which are technically significant are comparable with the standard material FZM/K. The FDA certificate also applies for FRIALIT® FZM/KS.

The material is also suitable for application in particularly highly stressed areas such as:

  • Valve components, pistons, rollers for high pressure plants
  • Calibration tools, draw nozzles, drawing rings for metal recast
  • Cutting tools, cutting blades, engine shears
  • Construction parts for medical technology: tweezers, endoscope points, scalpels
  • Rakel rings, rakel blades for the printing industry