
Opus has recently concluded a detailed study for Wood Group Engineering (North Sea), on behalf of BP.

The three-month study required Opus to perform a review of several separation vessels at the existing BP Dimlington Terminal, which is part of BP’s North Sea Southern Gas Asset.

The review was required to prepare concept options for the existing facilities to handle a significant increase in volumetric rate, compared to the original design specifications, whilst also adding the facility to separate produced water from the hydrocarbon liquids.

The project resulted in Opus providing a number of recommendations for performance improvements and hardware upgrades, based on the findings from the process review, in particular, confirming that the debottlenecking could be achieved by internals retrofit, thus avoiding costly vessel replacements.

Nigel Weir, managing director of Opus, commented: “The completion of this extensive study is another extremely positive development for Opus, once again highlighting the specialised skills and experience we offer oil companies working within the oil and gas sector.”

“Working very closely with BP/Wood Group’s project team we were given the opportunity to utilise our versatile approach to all aspects of the separation processes considering the different system configurations possible, provide detailed recommendations and offer the client the most cost effective solutions to achieve their future business objectives.”