
We are pleased to announce that Enwa has signed an exclusive distributorship agreement with the Norwegian company Polar International for their freshwater treatment product PWT. The contract allows Enwa to sell PWT worldwide for the offshore and shipping market.

Enwa sales manager Svenn Lorentzen said: "We are looking forward to the cooperation between our companies. This will broaden our portfolio of water treatment solutions for our customers and gives us the possibility to offer complete freshwater packages, as well as good solutions for existing systems that are facing corrosion problems."

"Our solutions protect equipment, the end user and the environment at the same time."

Inadequate water treatment results in costly downtime, wide-ranging repairs due to corrosion, pitting and scaling, and regretfully also severe health challenges.

PWT (hydrophore water treatment) prevents corrosion in freshwater piping, stops and seals off pitting in 304/316, and cleans already corroded pipes.

Polar International managing director Thomas Bjørnstad said: "Our solutions protect equipment, the end user and the environment at the same time."

Polar PWT is developed and produced at Polar International Sandefjord, Norway, and will be branded and sold as Enwa PWT.