Welcome to Anton Paar’s TAG 500/300 series: automatic, high-precision flash point testing of samples like jet fuels, solvents, and flavours and fragrances.
Complying with ASTM D56, ASTM D3934, ASTM D3941, EN 924, ISO 1516, ISO 1523, IP 491, IP 492, and more.
- Electric igniter has a 10x longer lifetime than any comparable device
- Unparalleled two-in-one instrument combination: -35°C to +130°C sample temperature
- Disassembly of wetted parts in seconds, easy cleaning
- Status light for intelligent instrument feedback
- The fail-safe fire detection system, combined with a fire extinguisher
- Compatible with Anton Paar’s lab execution software, AP Connect
Find out more by visiting our website or contacting us via email info.uk@anton-paar.com.