
In this article, we have put together some of our applications within the diesel fuels industry. If you need to analyse and monitor your diesel fuel then these reports will be helpful reading.

Investigate the viscosity, density and Cloud point of diesel and biodiesel blends

Besides the measurement of kinematic viscosity and density according to ASTM D7042 and D4052. The SVM 3001 Cold Properties also simultaneously determines the Cloud point of diesel fuel thanks to its built-in optical cell. In order to satisfy various specifications as defined by ASTM D975, ASTM D6751, ASTM D7467, EN 590, EN 14214, EN 16734, EN 16709 and others. Read more.

SVM 1001 – The new go-to viscometer for fuels

The kinematic viscosity of diesel is an essential parameter when it comes to the correct function of a diesel engine, as it has a direct effect on the operation of the fuel pump and injection system. The viscosity of (bio-)diesel influences the lubrication of the injection nozzle and injection pump; further, it provides information about the atomisation behaviour of the fuel and the size of fuel droplets in the spray. The SVM 1001 series are easy-to-use, accurate and economical instruments for the automatic measurement of kinematic viscosity. Read more.

DMA 1001 – Fast and economical density testing

The compact DMA 1001 density meter measures the density with an accuracy of 0.0001 g/cm3 and is suitable for the density measurement of diesel to EN 590 and biodiesel according to EN 14214. This user-friendly desktop instrument represents an affordable solution for high demands as a stand-alone unit if no automation is required. DMA 1001 presents itself as a reliable partner for quality control throughout the entire production, transportation and storage process. Read more.

Rapid oxidation stability testing of fuels for EN 590

The oxidation stability of gasoline or diesel is an important indicator of its shelf life and for the quality control of the product composition. Ageing in the form of oxidation can occur during storage and use. Common oxidation products are aldehydes, acids, and polymers.  Formation of these can lead to an increase in acidity, oil thickening or the formation of insoluble materials in a fuel.  Leading to corrosion and performance loss. Now with Anton Paar’s RapidOxy 100 Fuel, you can test samples with complete adherence to the standard methods ASTM D7525, ASTM D7545 and EN 16091, which are now included in BS EN 590. Read more.

Flash point testing of diesel & fuel oil with PMA 500

Flash point is an essential and routine test carried out on all diesel and fuel oil grades. To ensure that the product meets the desired specification, ensure it will perform as expected.  Also, an out-of-specification flash point will identify potential contamination or incorrect labelling. The PMA 500 from Anton Paar complies with the requirements of ASTM D93, ISO 2719 and IP34 for testing all diesel, kerosene and fuel oil grades. Read more.

Callisto 100 from Anton Paar is suitable for both EN 116 & EN 16329 test methods

The Cold Filter Plugging Point is an important characteristic of diesel and domestic heating fuels.  It is used to predict the lowest temperature at which fuel will freely flow through filters in a diesel engine system. This is essential to ensure the correct additive concentration is added to meet the seasonal requirements. The innovative cooling system on the Callisto 100 removes the requirement for ultra-low temperature cooling systems to perform CFPP analysis. Read more.

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