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Infinite Security Solutions


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Risk Management and Security Consultancy Services

Infinite Security Solutions (ISS) is a specialist business risk management and security consultancy, a leading provider of anti-piracy security solutions, and the first company in Asia (and one of a handful globally) to obtain the ISO PAS 28007 international standard for the provision of private maritime security services.

Head Office - Singapore,
34, Boon Leat Terrace,
Singapore 119866
Fax Number

Infinite Security Solutions

Infinite Security Solutions (ISS) is a business risk management, security and consultancy specialist, which is based in Singapore and operates as the Headquarters for the ISS Group of Companies, which have offices in the UK, Hong Kong, the British Virgin Islands, Anguilla, Ghana and New Zealand, and whose global operations range from the UK, Europe and the Middle East, to North America, Africa and the Asia Pacific region.

With an experienced international management team and a global network of operators and partners assembled from a diverse range of backgrounds, including the military, special forces, law enforcement, government and intelligence agencies to the private and commercial sectors, we possess the range of skills and capabilities to develop and implement the appropriate and ‘fit for purpose’ strategies and solutions to help you meet your risk and security objectives.

Put simply, ISS helps its clients to:

ISS develops and implements strategies and solutions to help clients meet their risk and security objectives.
ISS can assess and formulate a diverse range of safety and security solutions and systems in both land and maritime environments - including medical evacuations, disaster relief and emergency response.
Inside the ISS Operations Department.
ISS offers surveillance and counter-surveillance services.
ISS also provides solutions for protests, demonstrations and civil unrest.
ISS has been at the forefront of anti-piracy operations and of providing security teams to protect vessels, crew and cargo whilst transiting through high-risk areas.
ISS is at the leading edge of cyber and data security, enabling you to protect and conceal sensitive data, avoid hostile forensic investigation and maintain anonymous online activity...
ISS can help you track, overtly or covertly, any type of asset, anywhere in the world.
ISS is a pioneer in providing effective solutions for clients facing environmental protests / issue-motivated groups.
  • Protect staff
  • Safeguard assets and investments
  • Concentrate on business operations
  • Pursue new business opportunities

Security guidance and support

Security and risk concerns are increasingly more critical, more wide-ranging and more complex. This is true for governments and government agencies, NGOs and multinational corporations, as well as wealthy families and high net worth individuals.

Exposure to risk in today’s world comes in many forms and has become far more prevalent than in previous times. Some of these areas include:

  • Terrorism
  • Protests, demonstrations and civil unrest
  • Environmental activism
  • Organised crime and piracy
  • Industrial and commercial espionage
  • Cyber security
  • Natural disasters

Organisational security solutions

With its wealth of experience and knowledge, ISS helps clients to manage risk, even in areas which may presently be unforeseen. The company has established a strong reputation for its thorough and detailed approach to:

  • Identifying risks and vulnerabilities
  • Assessing threats and fears
  • Delivering plans and methods to mitigate and manage problems and concerns

ISS allows clients to function and operate smoothly and plan and strategise with confidence. Families and individuals are able to find privacy and protection. Some of the company’s solutions include:

  • Incident response
  • Crisis management
  • Business continuity
  • Surveillance and counter-surveillance
  • Investigations
  • Protective services

Onshore and offshore risk consultancy

ISS has the unique ability to assess and formulate a diverse range of security solutions and systems both in land and maritime environments. These encompass risk management, policies and procedures, command and control, and compliance to international standards and regulations. They can be either standalone or integrated to meet the individual requirements of clients to ensure maximum cost efficiency.

Risk mitigation products

Risk and security issues are multifaceted. As a complete solutions provider, ISS offers a diverse range of high-end products targeted specifically at mitigating some of the risks found in areas of land and maritime security. The company often acts as an exclusive agent, appointed manufacturer’s representative or preferred partner. Its consultants are always ready to assist in selecting and/or procuring the products best suited to meet client needs.

Business risk management and security services

ISS provides a comprehensive range of services that have been specifically designed to meet business risk management and security concerns and requirements. The company’s solutions enable clients to continue business operations regardless of the high-risk, hostile or complex working environments. Its experienced risk and security consultants offer expert advice with practical and cost-effective solutions.

White Papers

  • Infinite Security Solutions – Is the Risk too Great?

    With extensive military experience and a comprehensive range of risk and security solutions for both land and sea, Infinite Security Solutions (ISS) has become a leading global player in safeguarding assets in high-risk areas.

  • ISS: Land and Maritime Risk Consultancy

    Risk and security issues are multifaceted. As a complete solutions provider, ISS offers a diverse range of high-end products, often as an exclusive agent, appointed manufacturer's representative or preferred partner, which are targeted specifically at mitigating some of the risks found in the areas of land and maritime security.

  • Securing Infinite Scope Beyond Maritime

    Providing services to companies at sea and on land, Infinite Security Solutions (ISS) is a globally respected provider of risk assessments, surveillance, investigations, corporate asset protection, and much more.

Press Releases


Head Office - Singapore
34, Boon Leat Terrace
Singapore 119866

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United Kingdom

1 Cornhill
United Kingdom

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Hong Kong
34, Boon Leat Terrace
Singapore 119866

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New Zealand

Level 27, 151 Queen Street
New Zealand

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1 Cornhill
United Kingdom

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1 Cornhill
United Kingdom

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