The New building will be constructed at Kleven Verft AS in Ulsteinvik.

Kleven Maritime has yet again signed a contract with Parat Halvorsen, for their new building 361 to be constructed at Kleven Verft in Ulsteinvik.

Part of the delivery will be one combined 1250kW electric steam and hot water boiler. In normal vessel operation the boiler is part of the hot water and heat recovery loop and supplies necessary additional heat to the HVAC, sanitary and tank heating systems on board.

If an oil spill disaster should occur the boiler will be remobilised to run as a steam boiler.

The steam is used to maintain viscosity in the recovered crude oil emulsion in the ORO storage tanks.

The vessel is designed by Salt Ship Design, type Salt 100 PSV. It will be delivered to owner Ugland Supplier in January 2014.