
EM&I chief operating officer Pat Lawless recently presented to the Offshore Technology Conference in Houston, Texas, US, in partnership with both SBM and ABS.

The talk, attended by circa 250 delegates to the OTC, focused on the ODIN story, its context, development and the positive lessons that have been learned about it by the operator (SBM) and the Regulator (ABS). The presentation reinforced EM&I’s global credentials as a leading player in Asset Integrity Management, and further cemented the already strong bonds between EM&I, SBM and ABS.

Pat Lawless said: "Thousands of delegates attend this prestigious conference, so it provided a wonderful platform for us – SBM, ABS and EM&I – to present the ODIN story as an example of how the operator, regulator and supplier can align to resolve an industry-wide challenge: remaining both afloat and compliant while generating compelling cost savings in a manner that is intrinsically more safe."