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Underwater inspections that necessitate the use of divers in confined spaces, such as hull inspections, expose personnel to a number of health and safety risks.

The EM&I-led Hull Inspection Techniques and Strategy (HITS) Joint Industry Project has been adapting technologies from other industries, including the nuclear and gas pipeline industries, to allow these inspections to be performed remotely.

EM&I CEO Danny Constantinis outlined some of the projects that HITS has undertaken in a video interview with Drilling Contractor magazine from the 2017 IADC Asset Integrity and Reliability Conference, which was held in Houston, Texas, on 23 August.

Danny shares some of the safety and cost improvements the JIP’s projects have yielded.

He also discusses alternatives the industry could consider to conventional methods for inspecting pressure systems.

Please follow the link in the profile’s ‘Contact Details’ section to view the full interview.