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Bioversal International has been delivering high-performance environmental safety solutions for more than 20 years, providing a range of products as diverse as fire-fighting foams, ecological oil spill clean-up and industrial cleaning agents.
The company also supplies various water surface oil spill treatments, oil polluted soil and aquifer bioremediation agents, as well as an array of technical oil and water treatment solutions.
Biodegradable clean-up products for marine environments
Bioversal offers environmentally sound solutions designed to be as eco-friendly as possible without the need for clients to compromise on performance. Products are carefully manufactured from natural, plant-derived raw materials.
None of its product components include potentially harmful chemicals, and therefore they are not subject to labelling and classification according to GHS & EC Directive 1907 / 2006, Article 31 (REACH).
Our solutions are easily and rapidly applied and almost completely biodegradable, as well as possessing an extremely low eco-toxicity profile considered up to 500 times less harmful than synthetic products. Volatile organic compound (VOC) mitigation and hydrocarbon-encapsulating agents are also incorporated to help reduce emissions from explosive gases by up to 80%.
Bioversal products are user-friendly and compatible with any given material or alloy, in addition to being dermatologically tested via human patch testing in accordance with cosmetic product requirements.
Our BioActivator technology ensures even higher rates of biodegradation when applied to hydrocarbon pollutants, with bioremediation effectiveness on soil of 240ppm-570ppm a day, and 40ppm-120ppm a day on water.
The company is committed to continually meeting and surpassing ISO9001 Quality Management System requirements, and is well-equipped to meet the challenges of handling hydrocarbons on a daily basis.
Aqueous film-forming foam solutions for offshore fire-fighting applications
The QF eco-foam encapsulator includes aqueous film-forming foam (AFFF) capabilities, and was designed as a high-performance fire-fighting foam for Class A, B and F fires.
Internationally certified with the highest performance rankings (EN1568-3 IA / IA, IMO Circ. 1312, GESIP, ICAO Level C, GOST and UL162) our QF solution displays superior 3D fire knock-down performance.
It also facilitates mitigation of explosion hazards by utilising oil micelle-encapsulating technology to ensure extreme cooling and VOC suppression.
Bioversal® QF is a worldwide unique solution, with a range of distinctive features and environmental characteristics that allows users to exploit its multi-role mechanisms via an integrated approach.
Eco-friendly foam for fire extinguishers and fire extinguishing systems
Bioversal’s QF-R is derived from the QF solution, and has been optimised for fire extinguishers and extinguishing systems for Class A, B and F fires.
They are stored and operated with ready-to-use water-based premixes, or wet chemicals used in static or mobile fire extinguishing systems, as well as CAFS (Compressed Air Foam Systems).
Oil-encapsulating clean-up agents for use on solid surfaces
The RC eco-cleaner has been designed as an oil spill clean-up agent for use on solid surfaces such as asphalt, concrete or natural building material.
It displays excellent oil encapsulating capacity and is able to reduce VOC emissions considerably, but does so without creating oil / water emulsions while making oil easily separable from washwater. The RC eco-cleaner is also phase compatible with standard API oil / water separation systems.
Residual non-recoverable oil pollution in washwater becomes highly bio-available, bio-compatible and highly biodegradable under environmental conditions.
BioActivator technology present in the product shifts low BOD5 / COD ratios of oil-polluted washwater into ranges of 0.4-0.65, transforming this pollution type into biodegradable biomass.
Gentle yet effective anti-pollution agents for sensitive ecosystems
Our HC solution is an oil spill anti-pollution agent that offers environmentally safe clean-up in areas home to sensitive ecosystems, where the use of dispersants of synthetic origins could lead to unacceptable, harmful levels of collateral environmental damage.
The product’s bioremediation mechanism accelerates the aerobic biodegradation process of treated and encapsulated oil when applied to soil, water surfaces and aquifers. Dispersion in the water column is also kept to a minimum, as floating micelles are naturally biodegraded on the surface.
Suitable for use in maritime and terrestrial environment, Bioversal HC is the ecological alternative to synthetic dispersants in harbours, near shore areas, lakes and rivers. It can also be deployed in a preventive capacity as an oil adhesion barrier, blocking approaching oil slicks to protect shoreline infrastructure.
As a highly concentrated liquid, the product is diluted with water prior application, and is suitable for surface water treatment of residual and non-recoverable oil pollution.
Following the success of our HC biotechnology, additional product derivatives have also been developed based on the product, including:
- HC-SoilteQ for the treatment of weathered oil pollution in soil matrixes in both in-situ and ex-situ applications
- HC-Pump & Treat for the treatment of weathered oil pollution in soil matrixes and aquifers
- Bioversal’s HC AquateQ for use in sewage plants and biological water treatment plants
- Bioversal’s EFC for application in technical water treatment facilities
- Bioversal’s ManteQ range of high-performance industrial oil-cleaning agents, which can be deployed at any temperature and water pressure