
The EX1000 installed on the Flotta Terminal has reached its first year anniversary since it went live on 5th October

The self-cleaning Ultra-Sonics have proved invaluable in delivering maintenance-free operation to systems installed
around the world, resolving a variety of operational challenges including water conditions close to 100degC, loaded with
heavy soft scale and high concentrations of gas. The vigorous ultra-sonic cleaning capability has ensured that measurement accuracy of all the units deployed around the world is unblemished. The Patented combined ultrasonic and optical senor technology keeps the measuring chamber clean and guarantees measurement accuracy.


Automatic cleaning is only a prerequisite for a care free reliable instrument, producing reliable and accurate measurement is the primary function of the EX100/1000. All installations provide
superb correlation between laboratory (eg GC FID) and online analyzer readings, this has been achieved with excellent
consistency, satisfying the legislative requirement for online analysers to match the defined reference method.
The graphs below represent 342 grab samples correlated between OIW EX 1000 measurement and the customers
Laboratory method.


The Windows XP operating system and Ethernet connectivity provides an easily accessible, user friendly, self intuitive environment for the user. With no moving
parts and full remote operability, the need for mobilizations are reduced with real time data logging, diagnostics and interrogation.

Advanced Sensors Ltd worked seamlessly with collaboration partners, our appreciation goes especially to Norsk Hydro, Talisman and Chevron, their advice, experience and expertise were vital
in developing the features and functions of the EX100 and EX1000.