Offshore platforms are prone to unusually hazardous conditions. In these environments, it is very important to have safe and reliable communication. Telephones must be specifically designed to handle severe weather and other dangerous conditions. Telcom & Data, a leader in offshore technology, recommends Guardian’s EXT-401 explosion-proof phone.
The Guardian EXT-401 has many great features and benefits for offshore workers. For instance, the buttons on the phone are oversized so they can be easily pressed while wearing gloves. To handle outdoor environments and extreme weather, the device features corrosion-resistant and moisture-resistant circuitry. The phone can withstand temperatures ranging from -40°F to 140°F. Guardian has designed the phone with rugged copper-free cast aluminum housing and a heavy-duty handset cord. The device is constructed to contain explosions within the equipment. This prevents an explosion from igniting the hazardous environment outside the phone.
Ricardo Trinidad, president of Telcom & Data, said, "We are so proud to partner with Guardian. As far as I am concerned, the EXT-401 sets the standard for offshore telephones. It’s virtually indestructible and meets all the requirements for hazardous prone sites."
Specifically, the EXT-401 meets the requirements for class one division one and class two division one areas judged to be hazardous due to the presence of flammable gasses, vapours, dust or fibres.