
Digital Twin Studios (DTS) provides professionally recognised simulation-based training programmes based on field experience in the gas and oil industry.

In-house industry experts allow DTS to develop technical courses that meet industry standards, as well as programmes teaching and assessing soft skills for businesses.

Expanding on advances in the entertainment gaming industry, DTS aims to develop realistic simulations with an expertly written curriculum for computers, handhelds and virtual reality (VR).

Simulation-based training for marine environments

DTS is passionate about using simulation-based learning, or serious games, as an innovative training method. Serious games prove to be a more engaging teaching technique than classroom learning, reporting improved memory retention during training, creating a better-prepared workforce and increasing ROI.

Digital Twin Studios' 3D helicopter model can be used as an interactable asset in virtual reality simulations.
Digital Twin Studios' 3D crane model is an interactive asset for simulations, providing a framework for offshore training programmes.
The company's 3D generator model demonstrates up-to-date, industry-standard technology.
The company has created realistic, interactable environments for VR exploration.
The company has a catalogue of available assets, such as industry-specific tools, to build a realistic training environment.
DTS's user interface teaches industry-specific skills and familiarises its users with the necessary tools and experience without on-site visits.
The company's simulations allow users to demonstrate their knowledge of emergency procedures without the risk of harm.
Custom programmes can incorporate logos, brand-specific dialogue and industry tools.
VR can be integrated with objectives to walk trainees through emergency procedures.
Incipient fire training from DTS demonstrates emergency fire and injury situations without real risk.

Simulation-based learning allows business owners to easily track employees’ progress, and receive more consistent assessment feedback without on-site supervisor bias.

By removing the need to visit sites, game-based safety training can reduce the costs associated with travel, as well as allow users to carry out risk assessments in a safe environment.  Gaming industry advances are leading to the declining cost of computer hardware such as VR headsets, while providing increasingly advanced graphics for a realistic experience.

Custom and standard training programmes for offshore operations

DTS has a library of 3D interactive safety training solutions for the offshore oil and gas industry available on a subscription basis, as well as the option for custom developed programmes.

Off-the-shelf courses cover a range of subjects, including first aid, power tools safety and hurricane preparation. Investments in research and development, as well as collaboration with subject matter experts (SME), ensure that technical training is up to date and meets industry standards.

Personal skills such as contract negotiation and workplace bullying procedure can be taught and assessed through optimised gamification methods, including first-person narratives.

Custom training programmes provide clients with the option of adding brand based dialogue and industry-specific environments.

Customised training solutions for oil and gas companies

DTS’s field experience within the oil and gas industry minimised the subject matter expert (SME) time needed when customising Shell training programmes. The existing framework for oil, gas and maritime training available in DTS’s ready-made games provided a head start when developing custom content.

Investments in research and development also ensured that the training programmes developed for Shell were up to date and met industry standards, keeping the simulations realistic and relevant.

Virtual curriculum development process

In the initial stages of development, DTS carries out an evaluation of standard operation procedures (SOP) to ensure that the team is up to date with industry advancements and processes. Following this, DTS works in conjunction with industry leads and practises to create learning objectives.

DTS keeps up to date with gaming industry advances, taking advantage of progress in technology and Unity games engines in order to make high-quality games without needed to start the game development process from scratch, maintaining focus on customisation and curriculum.

Immersive and VR training for offshore personnel

Serious games are designed and developed to look and feel similar to those made for the entertainment industry. Gamification techniques are used to maximise realism and keep in line with industry standards, while still keeping the workforce engaged and entertained to optimise memory retention.

DTS can create voiceovers and a user interface, or first-person narratives and smart scenarios for a more immersive training experience. Multiplayer capabilities can be incorporated for team building or leadership training.

Depending on the client’s needs, serious games can be adapted for all levels of training or assessment. Training features such as voiceovers and user interface can be added or removed, and a scoring mechanism can be added for assessment purposes.

Simulation-based training can be used on multiple platforms such as computers or handhelds, virtual and augmented realities, or projected as visual aids during classroom-based learning.

DTS uses industry standard game engine Unity,  so can be supported by any developer as it is not tied to propriety software licences.

About Digital Twin Studios

DTS was founded in 2013, initially operating as an energy industry training company offering classroom and on-site courses, before selling traditional training and consulting in January 2018 to make way for further Serious Games development and research.