
In order to reduce risk, clients increasingly demand higher performance, quality and compliance standards from their vendors and sub suppliers. This includes higher expectations on efficient document exchange and information handling. Companies utilising a proven document control system, exception reporting and document related procedures are therefore viewed as more efficient, reliable partners. As a result, these companies win far more contracts.

After contracts have been awarded, the pressure to maintain these high standards will only increase. Vendors and sub suppliers who are unable to handle and exchange information efficiently are often left exposed to document related penalties (e.g. deliverable delays, missed milestones and corrective actions). These claims can impact profit margins and, in some cases, drive companies into the red or even out of business.

The solution is to ensure efficient processing with complete audit trails (e.g. all deliverable exchange, design decisions, letters and emails). This reduces exposure to external audits and increases the chances of winning any launched and received claims.

These factors have made AssaiDCMS the system of choice for clients of all sizes in the oil and gas, engineering and construction industries. The system is used to support the monitoring and expediting of design and vendor documentation on some of the world’s largest projects.

Our clients state that they have saved millions by using AssaiDCMS on all their projects through increased efficiency in day to day document processing and the ability to resist and launch claims effectively.

Assai now offers AssaiVENDOC, a purpose-built (web-based) module for vendors and sub suppliers engaging in any engineering project, large or small. AssaiVENDOC has both the tools and the means to manage and deliver documentation in good time and to expedite supply chains efficiently.

AssaiVENDOC offers accurate progress monitoring on planned, forecast and actual document delivery. Dedicated screens provide easy access to:

  • Accurate status of purchase orders and progress on equipment delivery
  • Efficient vendor document requirement list management (bulk up/download and deliverable progress tracking)
  • Progress and status of internal and external reviews and approval cycles
  • Internal and external communications documents, technical queries, RFIs, letters, emails
  • All exchanges with customers and suppliers (audit history and current status)
  • Extensive exception reporting (see AssaiDCMS reports)
  • Effective and traceable distribution (hard copy and electronic transmittals and workflow)
  • Automatic email creation and alerts (e.g. emails can be automatically generated to persons and organisations that are overdue or tend to be overdue)
  • Traceable document publishing to websites (tracking on document receipt and downloads)
  • Controllable (web)access to documentation by external stakeholders

Contact Assai to find out more.