meri carrier containers

Germany-based ELA Container Offshore has recently completed the delivery of two Offshore Living Quarters containers and two offshore wastewater tanks to Finnish cargo shipping company Meriaura Group.

The units were installed on board their open deck cargo carrier ‘Meri’.

Together with their vessel ‘Aura’, ‘Meri’ will be performing marine research for the Finnish Environment Institute SYKE and the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute SMHI.

Meriaura Group marine superintendent Lassi Eloranta said: "The contract consists of several expeditions, which requires efficient mobilisation and demobilisation of the research equipment on-board.

"The two vessels included in the contract provide flexibility and reliability to the client, as the time frame for the measurement periods are tight".

Both vessels are ice classed, enabling research also during the winter time. "

Eloranta added: "We require additional accommodation capacity on board the vessel ‘Meri’ during the research expeditions, and therefore we installed ELA’s mobile accommodation units on-board our vessel."

ELA Container Offshore business development Northern Europe Niels Albers summarised: "The Offshore Living Quarters and wastewater tanks that we supplied are ‘made in Germany’ and possess the DNV 2.7-1 certification for offshore use.

"Since we always keep a stock of offshore units at our premises, we were able to supply the containers and tanks at short notice."