For the treatment of blackwater and greywater onboard vessels and offshore platforms from one to more than 78 crew members, these type II marine sanitation devices (MSD) are installed on small to medium-sized commercial vessels, workboats, tugboats and some of the ‘greenest’ boats in the world, in order to provide total sewage treatment, pretreatment and (in some cases) water reuse opportunities.
MarineFAST® systems produce effluent with fecal coliform bacteria not greater than 200ml per 100ml and suspended solids not greater than 150mg per litre. All MSDs (whether type I, II or III) must be US Coast Guard (USCG) certified for vessels with galley(s) and toilet facilities. These MSDs must comply with the 33 Code of Federal Regulation (CFR) Part 159 to prevent discharge of untreated sewage from vessels into US waters.