17 November
Globally, the total confirmed cases of Covid-19 have reached over 55,147,000 with over 1,329,000 deaths and 35,386,000 recoveries.
The US has the reported over 11 million total confirmed cases.
India has the second highest number of cases, and while trending downwards is approaching 9 million total confirmed cases.
Brazil remains the third worst-hit country and has seen a spike in infections in the past week.
Brazil’s daily average of new cases is more than 28,700 cases. All of the ten worst hit countries now report over 1 million total confirmed cases.
In South America, Uruguay has had great success controlling the spread of the virus.
Uruguay has recorded over 4,000 total confirmed cases and 67 deaths.
Part of what lead to successful control of the virus was quick government action to shutdown hotspots for contagion, such as bars, churches and the border with Brazil.
Uruguay also started contact tracing early and was able to test and isolate people who had attended super spreader events.
Lastly, Uruguay developed a nationally produced testing kit which meant it no longer relied on supplies from abroad and could increase it’s testing rate quickly.
As of 15 November, Uruguay’s testing rate is 123.5 tests per thousand people compared to 78.5 in Argentina.
Since late July, the positive test rate in Uruguay has remained at approximately 1%.
Ana Fernandez Menjivar MSc DLSHTM, Senior Epidemiologist at GlobalData