22 April
Global cases of Covid-19 have passed 2.47 million and over 170,000 deaths worldwide. One third of the world’s total cases (787,960) and a quarter of global deaths (42,518) from CovidD-19 infection are reported from the US alone.
More than 1.4 million cases of Covid-19 are reported from the Europe. The five countries in Europe reporting the most cases are Spain (200,210), Italy (181,228), France (156,493), Germany (147,065) and the United Kingdom (125,856).
Italy reports the lowest number of deaths due to Covid-19 in a week, signifying a slowing down of the disease outbreak in Italy and a slowing down of pace of new infections.
Spain also registered its lowest daily death toll in almost a month.
Out of 0.37 million cases of Covid-19 reported in Asia, the five countries reporting the most cases are Turkey (90,980), China (83,849), Iran (83,505), India (18,658) and Israel (13,883).
As daily numbers of confirmed cases start to rise and the new evidence of asymptomatic cases causes fear of community transmission, many countries have now brought in far stricter isolation measures.
However, those seeing a decrease in new cases are trying out phased stages of opening up the economy.
Shilpa Shaji, MPH, Epidemiologist, GlobalData