The Marlin oil and gas field is located within the offshore Block CI-27, approximately 70km south-west of Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire.
Block CI-27 is operated by Foxtrot International, who holds a 24% interest, while the other partners include PETROCI (40%), SECI (24%) and ENERCI (Suez Group – 12%).
The Marlin field one of the four fields, including Foxtrot, Mahi and Manta, located within the block. The Marlin and Manta fields were developed as part of the Block CI-27 extension project, with an estimated investment of approximately $1bn, majorly funded by a loan provided by World Bank and guaranteed by SCDM Energie and HSBC.
The Ivorian oil and gas project was initiated in 2013 and completed in September 2016.
Marlin oil and gas field discovery and development
The Marlin field was discovered in 2007, whereas the Manta field was discovered in 1981 by Philips Petroleum.
The development of the Marlin field primarily involved the installation of a production platform, drilling of five production wells and installation of associated pipelines. The first production well, Marlin-B1, started production in October 2015.
A 4in diameter oil pipeline and a 14in diameter gas pipeline, both measuring approximately 8km-long were installed to connect the Marlin platform with the existing Foxtrot platform.
The gas produced from the field is exported to shore using a 14in diameter and 17km-long pipeline, whereas the liquids from the field are exported via a 6in diameter and 17km-long pipeline.
The natural gas from the block is supplied to power plants owned by Azito, CIPREL, CIE, Aggreko, PETROCI, and Société Ivoirienne de Raffinage (SIR), whereas the oil is stored at SIR’s refinery in Abidjan.
Marlin platform details
The platform is designed to accommodate a drilling rig, eight wells and six risers. It is equipped with oil and gas treatment facilities, solar turbo generators and compressors, water treatment plants, accommodation facilities for 20 people, and a helideck.
The platform has a gas processing capacity of 156 million standard cubic feet a day (mmscfd) and oil processing capacity of 12,000 barrels a day.
The new four-legged manned platform is installed at a water depth of approximately 110m and stands 42m above the sea level. It has a length of 50m and breadth of 30m, and weighs approximately 5,000t.
The Marlin platform was installed in April 2015.
Contractors involved with the Ivorian offshore field
The construction contract for the new platform was awarded to Rosetti Marino, while the transportation and installation contracts were awarded to Heerema Marine Contractors, and the maintenance engineering and inspection contract was awarded to Dietsmann.
The detailed design for the platform’s jacket, deck and living quarter was provided by Tecon, whereas the engineering assistance for the procurement of the topside facilities was provided by Basis Engineering.
The offshore pipeline installation works were performed by Micoperi. The project management services were provided by Mustang Engineering and JP Kenny, whereas Shaw Consultants International served as technical consultant for the project during the initial design phase.
Block CI-27 production details
The average natural gas production rate from the four fields within Block CI-27 was 170 million standard cubic feet a day (MMscfd) as of August 2016, whereas the oil and condensate production rate was 3,000 barrels a day.