Venture Global LNG, a US-based LNG company, has initiated legal action against construction contractor Kiewit, accusing the company of sharing confidential documents with Shell, reported Reuters.  

The dispute centres on the Calcasieu Pass plant, which has been producing LNG for more than two years but has yet to supply its contract customers. 

In a New York State Supreme Court filing, Venture Global said: “Kiewit was entrusted with this information to enable its work to construct a natural gas liquefaction and export terminal in Cameron Parish, Louisiana, developed by Venture Global.” 

Venture Global alleges that the confidential information pertains to proprietary project development, design, and construction details of its multi-billion-dollar Calcasieu Pass facility.  

“Kiewit admits that it disclosed thousands of pages of confidential information to Shell and its project manager for the facility has been speaking directly with Shell about the project,” the company added. 

In a statement to the publication, the LNG producer said: “We are equally disappointed by Shell who appears to have solicited this disclosure.” 

The company is seeking arbitration to prevent Kiewit from further disclosing any confidential information. 

The Calcasieu Pass plant has been a focal point of contention among energy companies, including bp and Shell, regarding access to LNG.  

Despite being operational for more than two years, Venture Global has stated that the plant is not yet fully operational, which has led to a lack of supplies to contract customers. 

A spokesperson for Kiewit informed Reuters via email that the company is “reviewing and evaluating this legal matter”.  

Shell did not respond to a request for comment.  

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) has taken an interest in the matter, ordering Venture Global in June to provide customers with documentation related to the plant’s mechanical issues and start-up process.  

Earlier in January, bp and Shell had requested that FERC compel Venture Global to release documents to clarify the reasons behind the delay in commercial operations. 

In a separate development, Venture Global LNG signed a head of agreement with DTEK’s commercial arm, D. TRADING, to supply LNG to Ukraine and eastern Europe.