Germany’s Uniper has partnered with Israeli firm NewMed Energy to explore potential short and long-term collaboration to bring LNG to Europe from Israel as well as produce blue and green hydrogen.

Under the non-binding memorandum of understanding (MoU), the two firms will work on natural gas supply from Israel to Germany in the immediate term.

As part of this effort, the parties will use existing production and transmission infrastructure according to the transmission pipeline availability between Israel and Egypt, where the natural gas will be transferred to LNG facilities, and from there it will be supplied to Germany.

Uniper and NewMed will also assess the feasibility of LNG deliveries from the Leviathan reservoir in the eastern Mediterranean Sea area off the coast of Israel, to Uniper.

For this, Uniper would require expansion of the Leviathan infrastructure (Phase 1B), as well as gas liquefaction at one of the existing facilities in Egypt or at a new-build independent floating liquefaction facility in Israel.

NewMed Energy CEO Yossi Abu: “For the foreseeable future, natural gas will be the most significant energy source in the world. NewMed Energy is continuing to promote its international activity. Leviathan is an energy anchor in the Middle East, supplying energy to Israel and other countries in the region, while also being able to help in the energy crisis in Europe.”

Furthermore, Uniper and NewMed will consider potential collaboration for blue hydrogen and green hydrogen as well as its transportation from Israel to Europe.

Uniper CCO Niek den Hollander said: “This collaboration with NewMed Energy fits our strategy of diversifying our gas supply sources and paving the way to a decarbonised world. Sourcing natural gas from offshore Israel has the potential to increase the security of supply for Germany.”