Turkish oil and gas company Türkiye Petrolleri Anonim Ortaklığı (TPAO) has commissioned the Sakarya gas field project located within the Turkey exclusive economic zone, to help reduce the country’s dependence on energy imports.

Located within Block C26 in the western Black Sea, 165km off the coast of Filyos in Zonguldak province, the field lies in a depth of nearly 2,200m.

The Sakarya field is expected produce 10 million cubic metres (mcm) of natural gas in the first phase.

Production from the field is expected to grow subsequently to 40mcm through the drilling of additional wells.

The commissioning ceremony of the field was attended by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.

Erdoğan said: “We will be able to meet nearly 30% of our country’s total annual need once we reach full capacity.

“This project will not only help us to substantially reduce our country’s foreign dependency in natural gas, but it will also make Filyos and Zonguldak an important energy, technology and logistics base.”

The first phase of the field involves the production of natural gas from ten wells using the subsea production system.

The gas is transported onshore via a carbon steel pipeline to be processed at an onshore production facility in in Çaycuma district in Zonguldak.

Under the second phase, up to 30 new wells are planned to be drilled. The wells will be connected to the subsea production system.

A new pipeline will be installed for transporting the additional gas produced from the second phase.

In 2020, TPAO made a gas discovery following the drilling of the Tuna-1 well in the Sakarya Block in a water depth of 2,115m.