Santos has reported positive appraisal flow test results of the Caley reservoir from the Dorado-3 appraisal well offshore Western Australia.

The initial flow test of the Caley reservoir in the Dorado field located in the Bedout Basin has confirmed that the main oil pool in the field is capable of producing flow rates at the higher end of pre-drill expectations.

Carried out over a 12-hour period, the test achieved a maximum measured rate of about 11,100 barrels of oil per day and 21 million standard cubic feet of associated gas per day through a 68/64” choke. It was conducted between 3,999 and 4,015m measured depth and achieved with only 220 psi of drawdown.

Santos noted that the Caley production was limited by surface equipment, which indicated that the reservoir is capable of flowing at significantly higher rates.

Santos managing director and CEO Kevin Gallagher said: “The test was conducted over only an 11m net section of the Caley from a total net reservoir interval of 53m, which demonstrates the high quality of the Caley reservoir.

“The results are very encouraging for development of the shallow-water Dorado field, with the test indicating very high potential flow rates of around 30,000 barrels per day from each single production well in the Caley reservoir.”

The flow test of the Caley reservoir was the second of two for the Dorado field. The Baxter test conducted late last month confirmed excellent productivity and fluid quality. These positive results support progress towards FEED entry early in 2020.

The Dorado-3 appraisal well is located in petroleum permit WA-437-P and is operated by Santos with an 80% interest. Carnarvon Petroleum holds the remaining stake.

The jack-up mobile offshore drilling unit Noble Tom Prosser was used to drill Dorado-3 in a water depth of 95m. The well reached a total measured depth of 4,643m. Upon completion of operations, the well will be plugged and abandoned as planned. This would conclude Santos’ offshore drilling programme for this year.