Orlen Group and its partners have started production from the Tommeliten A field on the Norwegian Continental Shelf.

The Tommeliten A field is located in the southern part of the Norwegian sector in the North Sea, 25km south-west of the Ekofisk field.

Orlen Group, through its subsidiary PGNiG Upstream Norway, owns a 42.19% stake in the Tommeliten A field.

Other partners in the Tommeliten A unit are ConocoPhillips Skandinavia (operator) (28.1385%), TotalEnergies EP Norge (20.1430%), Vår Energi (9.0907%), ConocoPhillips (UK) (0.2109%), TotalEnergies E&P UK (0.1510%) and Eni UK (0.0681%).

As per the estimates, the field has reserves ranging from 120 to 180 million barrels of oil equivalent (boe).

Production from the field is expected to range from 35,000 to 48,000boe per day.

ConocoPhillips Europe, Middle East and North Africa president Steinar Våge said: “As the new field utilises existing infrastructure in the Greater Ekofisk Area, the Tommeliten A emissions intensity is estimated at 7.5kg CO₂ equivalent per boe, scope 1 and 2 on a net equity and gross operated basis.

“As such, this gas development has low greenhouse gas emissions and high value and job creation, while also providing energy security on our journey to net zero.”

The hydrocarbons from the field are planned to be produced from 11 wells and delivered to the Production Licence 018 (PL 018) facilities via a heated pipeline for further processing and transportation.

In a press statement, Orlen said: “The PL 018 facilities are still one of the most important production hubs on the Norwegian Continental Shelf and have been modified to accommodate Tommeliten A deliveries.”