Sub-sea technology and data company Ocean Infinity has secured a contract from Total E&P Angola to perform two-dimensional (2D) seismic survey offshore Angola.
As part of the contract, Ocean Infinity will deploy its technology to conduct 2D ultra high-resolution seismic surveys and seabed soil sampling in Total’s Block 32 and Block 17.
Ocean Infinity noted that the company’s recent expansion to its fleet of autonomous underwater vehicles (AUV) and other advancements in battery technology ensures gathering of high quality data for the client.
The company further added that the data will be delivered safely and in an efficient manner.
Ocean Infinity CCO Paul Helmore said: “We are delighted to be supporting Total E&P in Angola with this project and that our ability to provide answers for the offshore energy sector continues to be recognised.
“Being awarded this project further confirms that our innovative technology driven approach is continuing to meet the growing demand for a higher value and lower impact method to acquire ocean data.”
“We are excited to be working with Total on this project to gather data in the most innovative way the industry has seen.”
Located in water depth of 1,300m, Block 17 comprises four major hubs namely Girassol, Dalia, Pazflor and CLOV offshore Angola.
Total operates Block 32 with a 30% participating interest and the remaining stake is owned by Sonangol (30%), Sonangol Sinopec (20%), Esso Exploration & Production Angola (15%) and Galp Energia (5%).
In April 2019, Total started production on the Kaombo Sul FPSO unit at the Kaombo project offshore Luanda in Angola, located on Block 32.