UK-based offshore operator Neptune Energy has completed the removal of three platforms from the Dutch sector of the North Sea.

Work was carried out with the help of the Dutch offshore contractor Boskalis’ Bokalift1 transportation and installation vessel.

The three facilities, namely L10-C, L10-D and L10-G, stopped production in 2016. They have been producing natural gas for the Netherlands for the past 40 years.

Under the decommissioning programme, a total of more than 3,400t of steel was safely removed from the field.

Neptune Energy Netherlands managing director Lex de Groot said: “It’s our responsibility to decommission these platforms, take everything with us and leave the seabed in a clean state. Our teams did a tremendous job, together with our supplier, Boskalis, especially given these turbulent times.

“The work was completed in a safe and secure way, both for the crew and for the environment. All three platforms were brought onshore and the associated materials will be recycled or reused as much as possible.”

According to Neptune, rocks have also been removed to return the seabed to a clean state.

Boskalis Offshore Heavy Lifting managing director Marcel van Bergen said: “We are pleased that we were able to perform this challenging job for Neptune Energy with our versatile transportation and installation vessel Bokalift1.

“Its 3,000t crane and 6,300m² free deck space made it perfect for the job to decommission the three platforms and transport these to shore.”

Last week, NPD granted Neptune Energy a drilling permit for two wildcat wells in the North Sea offshore Norway.

Last month, Neptune Energy conducted a dual drilling operation from an integrated subsea template structure at the Fenja field, offshore Norway.