Australian exploration and production company Tap Oil has announced that its joint venture partners have approved a 2019 work programme and budget for the Manora oilfield, located in Block G1/48 in the Gulf of Thailand.
UAE-based oil and gas company Mubadala Petroleum is the operator of the Manora oilfield and has a 70% interest in the area, with Tap Oil owning the remaining 30% interest.
Together the companies have approved the drilling of three development wells in the field; two in the Manora 300 series sands, which were discovered in 2018 and one in the 490-60 reservoir delineated by the MNA-18 well in late 2017. The development wells are scheduled to commence drilling in July 2019.
A firm exploration well is scheduled for November 2019, with a further exploration well contingent upon rig slot availability.
In a statement Tap Oil said: “In late 2018, Tap and Mubadala Petroleum reviewed insights and opportunities from production operations plus successful 2018 drilling, geological and geophysical activities. A portfolio of incremental reserves and production enhancement opportunities was inventoried, analysed, highgraded and eventually budgeted for 2019.
“Investments prioritised include workovers, development drilling and exploration drilling which are all designed to add to Reserves, production, cash flow and extend the economic life of the Manora Oil Field.”
Final investment decisions on the locations of the development wells will be made in the second quarter (Q2) of 2019, with the development drilling programme scheduled to commence in July 2019.
Potential exploration targets in 2019 include structures along the southern extension of the Manora East bounding fault and new field opportunities around the proven oil generation depocentre east of the Manora East fault block.
The Manora oilfield was discovered in November 2009, first producing oil in November 2014. The field produced 14.36 million barrels of oil gross from 14 wells at the end of 2018, averaging 6.397 barrels of oil per day gross in 2018.