Byron Energy has made an oil discovery after completion of drilling the OCS-G34266 #F3 well (F3) on South Marsh Island Block 71 (SM 71) off the Gulf of Mexico (GoM) coast.
The well was drilled to a final total depth of 7,717ft measured depth (MD) in 22 days, ahead of schedule. The well was logged with open-hole triple-combo logging tools.
Currently, operations to run 7⅝in casing to total depth are underway before the temporary suspension for completion in the D5 Sand.
The drilling targeted the D5 Sand, which logged 175ft net true vertical thickness (TVT) oil pay.
The SM 71 block is operated by Byron Energy with a 50% working interest, while the remaining interest is held by Otto Energy through its wholly owned subsidiary Otto Energy (Louisiana).
Otto Energy managing director Matthew Allen said: “Just like the results of the SM 71 F2 well, the SM 71 F3 well has delivered an exceptional result for the joint venture and the ultimate production life and value of the field.
“Not only will the result increase the D5 reserves, but the well has also shown that the J1, B55, B65 and C10 Sands are worthy of further evaluation as potential future drilling prospects, which in a success case, would be produced through the SM 71 F production platform.”
The company is planning to begin production from F1, F2 and F3 wells in March.
The additional penetration of the D5 Sand in the F3 well has led to an increase in TVT oil pay thickness in the F2 well to 132ft TVT net oil pay from the previously reported 117ft.
As part of the next phase of the SM 71 project, the partners will complete the F1, F2 and F3 wells for production.