Hydrocarbon exploration firm Apache Corporation has gathered further reservoir and technical data from its Kwaskwasi-1 discovery well located in Block 58 offshore Suriname and started drilling at another location within the block.
In July, Apache announced a major oil discovery at the Kwaskwasi-1 well.
Apache operates and owns a 50% working interest (WI) in the block while Total holds the remaining 50% interest.
The Kwaskwasi-1 was tested for the presence of hydrocarbons in the upper Cretaceous- Campanian and Santonian intervals.
Apache operates and owns a 50% working interest (WI) in the block while Total holds the remaining 50% interest.
The well encountered 278m of net oil and volatile oil/gas-condensate pay.
According to Apache, the shallower Campanian interval contains 63m of net oil pay and 86m of net volatile oil/gas-condensate pay.
Meanwhile, the Santonian interval contains 129m of net pay.
Apache noted that the Noble Sam Croft drillship has gathered reservoir and other technical data in the Santonian since the start of discovery in July.
The Noble Sam Croft has now started operations at the Keskesi East-1 exploration well. This well is located about 14km south-east of Sapakara West-1 well on Block 58 off the coast of Suriname.
Block 58 comprises 1.4 million acres and offers significant potential beyond the discoveries make at Sapakara West and Maka Central wells.
In April, Apache and French energy firm Total made a second oil discovery at the Sapakara West-1 well.