Sinopec Qilu operates the Qilu refinery, which is located in Shandong, China. It is an integrated refinery owned by China Petrochemical. The refinery, which started operations in 1966, has an NCI of 7.34.

Qilu Refinery, Ownership (%)China Petrochemical100.00%100%

Key processes of the refinery

Crude Distillation Unit (mbd): 251
Coking (mbd): 34
Catalytic Cracker (mbd): 82
Hydrocracker (mbd): 30
Reformer (mbd): 16
Hydrotreater (mbd): 152
Alkylation (mbd): 13

Qilu Refinery Capacity, 2020-2030251251251251251251251251251251100%

The capacity of the refinery is expected to remain the same as 251mbd by 2030.

Maintenance activities at Qilu refinery

The Qilu refinery witnessed two incidents during the period 2015-2020.

Qilu Refinery Shutdown Incidents (%), 2015-2020Planned100.00%100%

About Sinopec Qilu

Sinopec Qilu Co Ltd operates as a subsidiary company of China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation. The company is engaged in the production of synthetic rubber and caustic soda. It also offers plastics and chlor-alkline, ethylene, synthetic resins, and petrochemicals Products. The Company manages its business in four segments such as Refining, Petrochemical production, Research and design, and Community services. The company owns 112 sets of large-scale oil and petrochemical producing units which yield over 120 sorts of petrochemical products. It has been awarded as top Chinese enterprise under safety production, model enterprise for carrying out populace sports, model enterprise for contribution to national ethnic and cultural construction, model enterprise for transparent plant management and excellent enterprise to conduct political work. The company is headquartered in Zibo, China.


Information on the refinery is sourced from GlobalData’s refinery database that provides detailed information on all active and upcoming, crude oil refineries and heavy oil upgraders globally. Not all companies mentioned in the article may be currently existing due to their merger or acquisition or business closure.