PSCO System is a 3,309km-long onshore pipeline project operated by Public Service Company of Colorado. This gas pipeline, with a maximum diameter of 36 inches, starts at Colorado (the US) and ends in Colorado (the US).
The PSCO System project started operations in 1940 and is owned by Xcel Energy.
The PSCO System project is associated with the 136km Colorado Interstate High Plains Expansion Line No. 250A.
About Public Service Company of Colorado
Public Service Company of Colorado (PSCo) is engaged in the generation, purchase, transmission, distribution and sale of electricity in Colorado and also it purchases, transports, distributes and sells natural gas to retail customers and transports customer-owned natural gas. The company provides electric utility and natural gas utility service to approximately 1.3 million customers. PSCo owns the following direct subsidiaries: 1480 Welton, Inc., and Green and Clear Lakes Company.
Information on the pipeline is sourced from GlobalData’s Oil & Gas Pipelines database that provides detailed information on all active and upcoming, crude oil, natural gas, petroleum products and Natural Gas Liquids (NGL) trunk pipelines globally. Not all companies mentioned in the article may be currently existing due to their merger or acquisition or business closure.