PetroChina Dalian Petrochemical operates the Dalian I refinery, which is located in Liaoning, China. It is an integrated refinery owned by China National Petroleum. The refinery, which started operations in 1933, has an NCI of 5.33.

Dalian I Refinery, Ownership (%)China National Petroleum100.00%100%

Key processes of the refinery

Crude Distillation Unit (mbd): 415
Catalytic Cracker (mbd): 70
Hydrocracker (mbd): 71
Reformer (mbd): 12
Hydrotreater (mbd): 259
Alkylation (mbd): 2

Dalian I Refinery Capacity, 2020-2030415415415415415415415415415415100%

The capacity of the refinery is expected to remain the same as 415mbd by 2030.

Maintenance activities at Dalian I refinery

The Dalian I refinery witnessed four incidents during the period 2015-2020.

Dalian I Refinery Shutdown Incidents (%), 2015-2020PlannedUnplanned75.00%25.00%100%


Information on the refinery is sourced from GlobalData’s refinery database that provides detailed information on all active and upcoming, crude oil refineries and heavy oil upgraders globally. Not all companies mentioned in the article may be currently existing due to their merger or acquisition or business closure.