
Chevron subsidiary begins LNG production at Angola plant


Cabinda Gulf Oil, a subsidiary of Chevron, has commenced production of liquefied natural gas (LNG) at the $10bn LNG project in Angola, Africa.

As part of the project, natural gas will be collected and transported from offshore Angola to an onshore liquefaction plant on the coast near the Congo River.

Chevron said the project is expected to cut greenhouse gas emissions and natural gas flaring from offshore producing areas.

Rixo Trading did not distort Platts’ fuel oil price assessments

US-based global commodities information provider Platts has published a report to show that its European fuel oil price assessments have not been distorted by information provided by Switzerland-based Rixo Trading International.

Platts has published the review in a bid to refute a recent article published by The Wall Street Journal on 19 June on the possible distortion in assessments.

The Wall Street Journal published an article quoting Rixo trader Halis Bektas as saying that when he was scheduled to buy large quantities of fuel oil, he could drive prices down by offering "to sell small quantities…and report those offer prices to Platts."

US House committee approves bill to expand offshore drilling

US map

A US House of Representatives committee has approved a new energy bill that’s expected to widen the country’s offshore oil and natural gas production.

As well as the Offshore Energy and Jobs Act, the committee has also passed two other bills, the National Petroleum Reserve Alaska Access Act and the Young’s Native American Energy Act.

All now need Senate approval before they can become policy.

EU Parliament adopts oil and gas safety operations directive


The European Union (EU) Parliament has approved a new offshore oil and gas operations safety directive, aimed at reducing the occurrence of major accidents related to offshore oil and gas operations.

The directive is expected to increase the protection of the marine environment and coastal economies against pollution.

The directive will come into effect 20 days after it is published in the Official Journal of the EU.

DECC launches independent review of UK continental shelf

Edward Davey

The Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) has launched an independent review of the UK Continental Shelf (UKCS) to maximise the economic benefits of offshore oil and gas production and improve safety.

UK Energy Secretary Edward Davey said the review would be led by Wood Group retired chair, Sir Ian Wood, who has a career spanning four decades of leadership in the UKCS.

As part of the review, Wood will collaborate with industry leaders and the government to produce analysis, conclusions and recommendations to improve future economic recovery of the UKCS oil and gas.

Ireland approves seismic survey to determine Atlantic prospects

Irish coast

The Irish Government has decided to undertake a seismic survey of the country’s Atlantic coast, in order to attract oil and gas exploration companies.

According to the Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources, it is expected to be the largest regional seismic study in offshore Ireland and will also serve as a scientific study for the broader research industry.

Italy-based multinational oil and gas company Eni’s subsidiary, Eni Ireland, which is involved in several exploration licences in the Irish offshore area, will perform the survey, jointly with the department, in the Atlantic waters of the Irish-designated Continental Shelf.

Statoil plans to develop Delta 2 field in North Sea

Statoil, with its partners, has submitted a plan to the country’s petroleum and energy ministry for the development and operation (PDO) of the Delta 2 field in the North Sea, at an estimated cost of NOL7.4bn ($1.2bn).

Delta 2 field will be developed as part of Statoil’s fast track portfolio, which aims at recovering resources by utilising the existing infrastructure.

The recoverable reserves at Delta 2 are estimated to be about 77 million barrels of oil equivalent, while peak production will amount to 18,000boe/d.

Saipem secures $3bn contract for Egina field, offshore Nigeria


A subsidiary of Italian oil giant Eni, Saipem, has secured an engineering, procurement, commissioning and installation (EPCI) contract, worth about $3bn, from Total Upstream Nigeria for the subsea development of the Egina field, offshore of Nigeria.

Under the contract, Saipem will carry out engineering, procurement, fabrication, installation and pre-commissioning of 52km of oil production and water injection flow lines, 12 flexible jumpers, 20km of gas export pipelines, 80km of umbilicals and mooring and offloading systems.

Saipem said the marine activities will be carried out throughout 2016 and will continue until the second quarter of 2017.