The latest analytical report from Global Data, ‘Global Small-Scale LNG Liquefaction Capacity and Capital Expenditure Outlook, 2020–2024 – North America leads Globally on Capacity Additions and Capital Expenditure Outlook’ suggests that the global small-scale LNG liquefaction capacity is expected to grow by 53 percent from 32,210 ktpa in 2020 to 49,440 ktpa in 2024 from active, planned, and announced projects.
Among regions, North America is expected to have the highest capacity additions from new-build (planned and announced projects) and expansion projects globally during the outlook period with 7,270 ktpa by 2024. The Former Soviet Union (FSU) and Asia follow with capacities of 5,160 ktpa and 2,990 ktpa, respectively, by 2024.
Among countries, the US leads globally with 6,710 ktpa of new-build and expansion small-scale liquefaction capacity additions by 2024. Russia and China follow with capacities of 5,090 ktpa and 2,980 ktpa, respectively.
Total Capacity Additions of Small-Scale LNG Liquefaction Terminals by Key Regions, 2024 (ktpa)
Among companies, Fortress Investment Group, Gazprom, and Magistral LNG AG have the highest small-scale LNG liquefaction capacity additions globally from new-build and expansion projects during the outlook period with 4,240 ktpa, 2,057 ktpa and 1,540 ktpa, respectively, by 2024.
Among planned and announced terminals, Browntown and Browntown II, both in the US, have the highest small-scale LNG liquefaction capacities globally by 2024 with 2,120 ktpa each, followed by Portovaya in Russia with 1,500 ktpa.