Crude oil prices featured heavily in top tweets chosen from influencers as tracked by GlobalData’s Influencer Platform, which is based on a scientific process that works on pre-defined parameters. Influencers are selected after a deep analysis of the influencer’s relevance, network strength, engagement, and leading discussions on new and emerging trends.
Top tweets on exploration in March 2020
1. David Sheppard’s tweet on fall in WTI crude oil prices
David Sheppard, a reporter, tweeted about the fall in price of West Texas Intermediate (WTI) at Cushing to less than -$20. He added that the fall in prices of WTI Midland to less than $7 a barrel was far worse and predicted a total collapse in the industry.
If you think sub-$20 WTI is bad, in Texas the WTI Midland contract just slipped below $7 a barrel (according to Eikon).
Total collapse underway.
A barrel of oil from the shale heartlands of America now costs less than a pint in London. And this isn't some niche grade. #OOTT pic.twitter.com/qzLM1BqSLQ
— David Sheppard (@OilSheppard) March 30, 2020
Username: David Sheppard
Twitter handle: @OilSheppard
Retweets: 774
Likes: 793
2. Ed Crooks’ tweet on oil price crash reviving interest in renewable energy
Ed Crooks, Vice Chair at Wood Mackenzie, tweeted that the fall in oil prices could divert capital towards renewable energy projects.
He added that when crude was priced at $60 per barrel, the returns from oil were higher. As oil prices have fallen, returns from wind and solar are now on par with the returns from oil.
One possible consequence of the oil price crash is a flow of capital into renewable energy. With crude at $60 a barrel (left-hand bar), returns from oil and gas projects generally look higher than for renewables. With oil at $35, that is no longer true. https://t.co/IZ4a3DE8Rt pic.twitter.com/WE7CZB00p9
— Ed Crooks (@Ed_Crooks) March 25, 2020
Username: Ed Crooks
Twitter handle: @Ed_Crooks
Retweets: 130
Likes: 200
3. Anas Alhajji’s tweet on consequences of fall in crude oil prices
Anas Alhajji, an energy markets expert, tweeted on the consequences of oil price fluctuations. He noted that if oil prices remain at the current levels until November, global oil production will decline by 1.8 million barrels per day. Production from the OPEC members is also expected to fall, he added.
Alhajji noted that the consequences of these developments will result in a drawdown in storage followed by a shortage. He added that demand will return to normal within a short duration and increase above normal.
1- If #oil prices remain around current levels to November, global oil production might decline by about 1.8 mb/d. Production within OPEC members will also decline.The aftermath of the #Coronavirus and the #OilWar is a massive drawdown of the storage, then a shortage pic.twitter.com/PEJw4jr3MI
— Anas Alhajji (@anasalhajji) March 27, 2020
Username: Anas Alhajji
Twitter handle: @anasalhajji
Retweets: 54
Likes: 121
4. Dick Winchester’s tweet on oil price collapse
Dick Winchester, a strategy consultant and adviser, tweeted that the oil price collapse is the result of Russian president Vladimir Putin’s unwillingness to support a proposal made by Saudi Arabia to lower production to maintain the price of oil.
Winchester added that Putin’s goal was to damage western oil markets and boost Russian oil market share.
The oil price collapse has been caused by Putin refusing to support a Saudi proposal to reduce production to maintain the price. Putin's aim is to damage Western oil & markets and try to increase Russia's oil mkt share. 1/2
— Dick Winchester (@DickWinchester) March 9, 2020
Username: Dick Winchester
Twitter handle: @DickWinchester
Retweets: 40
Likes: 75
5. Samir Madani’s tweet on shale breakeven costs
Samir Madani, an oil and gas consultant, shared results of surveys carried out by the Federal Reserve of Dallas on the lowest breakeven prices needed to restart shale oil production. The oil price at the time of the survey in mid-March was at breakeven for new wells in the shale plays.
The survey asked more than 62 exploration and production companies the WTI oil prices needed to profitably drill a new well. Companies responded with prices ranging between $46 per barrel and $50 per barrel. Companies operating non-shale plays responded with prices ranging between $25 per barrel and $100 per barrel.
These are surveys carried out by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas of what's needed to kickstart a shale oil production operation vs what the absolute minimum is to keep it afloat.
Share if you care. #OOTT
Source: https://t.co/cYPRndwCIN @OilandEnergy pic.twitter.com/rkKsxG1yfg
— Sam (@Samir_Madani) March 17, 2020
Username: Sam
Twitter handle: @Samir_Madani
Retweets: 31
Likes: 56
6. Summer Said’s tweet on Saudi Arabia’s plans to cut oil production
Summer Said, a journalist, tweeted on Saudi Arabia proposal to the OPEC, which requires the group to reduce oil production by 600,000 barrels per day. Under the proposal, Saudi Arabia will also cut production by 400,000 barrels per day.
#Saudi Arabia plans to offer a proposal to #OPEC+ that would entail the group by cutting 600,000 barrels a day, and kingdom alone cutting an additional 400,000 barrels a day. #OOTT
— Summer Said (@summer_said) March 2, 2020
Username: Summer Said
Twitter handle: @summer_said
Retweets: 48
Likes: 54
7. Svein T veitdal’s tweet on shortage of storage space for oil
Svein T veitdal, owner and director of Kilma2020, shared an article on how the COVID-19 pandemic is leading to a shortage in storage space for oil across the world. Oil storage levels in majority of the world’s storage facilities have reached more than 70% due to fall in demand.
The oversupply of oil is expected to further increase in April as Saudi Arabia and OPEC’s deal to hold production ends. Saudi Arabia plans to ramp up production to grab a bigger share of the market, the article adds.
Oil price may fall to $10 a barrel as world runs out of storage space https://t.co/00QWHEd34h
Facilities thought to be 75% full with Saudi Arabia due to ramp up output as demand falters amid coronavirus shutdowns pic.twitter.com/RVfgByTkmI— Svein T veitdal (@tveitdal) March 25, 2020
Username: Svein T veitdal
Twitter handle: @tveitdal
Retweets: 43
Likes: 32
8. Anjli Raval’s tweet on oil production becoming uneconomic
Anjli Raval tweeted an article, which states that 10% of global oil production will become uneconomic if the price of Brent holds at $25 per barrel for a longer period of time.
Such a situation is expected to force companies to lower production and shut-in projects in a bid to stay afloat, the article adds.
10m b/d of oil production will become uneconomic if $25/b Brent holds for a prolonged period, forcing project shut-ins @WoodMackenzie says https://t.co/eTkr7ZroSy #OOTT
— Anjli Raval (@AnjliRaval) March 23, 2020
Username: Anjli Raval
Twitter handle: @AnjliRaval
Retweets: 32
Likes: 42
9. Anas Alhajji’s tweet on decline in rig count
Anas Alhajji tweeted on the possible decline in rig count in the US to 450, if the crude oil prices remain the same until June 2020. He added that crude oil production will decline by at least 500,000 barrels per day during the same period.
– If current oil prices last until June, US oil rig count is expected to decline toward 450 by then.
– US crude oil production will decline by at least 500 kbd by then.
– Do you see $70 on the horizon? 😉 pic.twitter.com/vQGQwO1LTp
— Anas Alhajji (@anasalhajji) March 12, 2020
Username: Anas Alhajji
Twitter handle: @anasalhajji
Retweets: 47
Likes: 191
10. Samir Madani’s tweet on clearing refined oil products
Samir Madani urged oil producing nations having a huge stockpile of refined products to halt oil production and ship the existing products. He urged them to sell all the current stock of oil and only resume production when demand increases.
Oil producing nations that have a large stockpile of refined products should just stop producing the bloody oil and just ship out the products instead. Sell every last drop you don’t need. Then resume oil production to a level that meets world demand. Forget market share battle.
— Sam (@Samir_Madani) March 24, 2020
Username: Sam
Twitter handle: @Samir_Madani
Retweets: 12
Likes: 50