16 April
A total of 187 countries are reporting COVID-19 transmission. The total number of confirmed COVID-19 cases globally is about 2,016,000; the total number of recovered cases is about 504,000; and the total number of deaths is about 131,000.
The US has the highest number of confirmed cases followed by Spain, Italy, Germany, France, and the UK. Since 9 April, the number of daily new confirmed cases have been reduced globally.
As a result of reaching peak transmission, some European countries such as Austria and Denmark eased up restrictions. However, there has been a slight increase in cases in Africa, South East Asia, and Eastern Mediterranean.
In the UK, the total number of confirmed cases and deaths is 94,845 and 12,129, respectively. UK may be reaching the peak soon, but the situation is still uncertain due to fluctuating trends seen in the last week.
Bahram Hassanpourfard, MPH, Epidemiologist, GlobalData