Morocco is the world’s 39th-largest producer of natural gas and the country’s output decreased by 29% in 2023, over 2022. The country accounts for 0% of global production, with the world’s other largest producers being the US, Russia and Iran. GlobalData uses proprietary data and analytics to provide a complete picture of the natural gas sector in Morocco in its report, Middle East and North Africa Oil and Gas Upstream Development Trends and Forecast by Project Type, Countries, Terrain and Companies 2022-2026. Buy the report here.

Over the five years to 2023, production from Morocco decreased by a CAGR of 14% and is expected to rise by a CAGR of 117% between 2024 and 2028.

The largest producers of natural gas in Morocco are Office National des Hydrocarbures et des Mines, SDX Energy and . Office National des Hydrocarbures et des Mines was the largest producer of natural gas in 2023 with output down by 20% on 2022.

SDX Energy was the second-largest producer, with output down by 37% on the previous year.

There are two natural gas producing fields in Morocco, all located onshore. The Rabat-Sale-Kenitra has the majority of the natural gas fields in the country with one.

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For more detailed analysis of natural gas sector in Morocco, buy the report here.