
Petrobras has confirmed oil discovery in Pitu area, in deep waters of Brazil’s Potiguar Basin following the drilling of an extension well.

Informally known as Pitu North 1, the 3-BRSA-1317-RNS well is the first extension well in the Pitu discovery evaluation plan.

The well is located 60km off the coast of Rio Grande do Norte state in Brazil at 1,844m water depth and final well depth of 4,200m.

According to the company, the discovery was proven with the help of profile analyses as well as fluid samples which would be evaluated in laboratories.

The BM-POT-17 concession is operated by Petrobras which owns a 40% stake in it in partnership with BP (40%) and Petrogal (20%).

Petrobras announced the discovery of the oil accumulation, the first in Potiguar Basin deep waters, to the market on 17 December 2013.

"The Potiguar Basin lies on the northeast coast of Brazil."

Oil was discovered on concession BM-POT-17 at the time of drilling well 1-BRSA-1205-RNS (1-RNS-158), informally known as Pitu, at a water depth of 1,731m and 55km off the coast of Rio Grande do Norte state.

Petrobras operates the concession with 80% stake and the remaining 20% is held by Petrogal Brasil.

The Potiguar Basin lies on the northeast coast of Brazil and is divided into onshore and offshore areas.

Image: The 3-BRSA-1317-RNS well is the first extension well in the Pitu discovery evaluation plan. Photo: courtesy of Petrobras